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Introduction to the Lithuanian pilot training programme  

The Lithuanian pilot training programme was designed to develop vocational teachers’ and workplace instructors’ evaluation and assessment skills. It was organized and implemented by Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. The participants were mainly vocational teachers. They came from local educational institutions: Vocational Education Centre in Marijampole, Kaunas Industry School, Kaunas Mechanics School, Kaunas Forestry College, Kaunas Builders’ School, Kaunas Trade and Business School and Trade School of Druskininkai. Altogether 27 participants signed for the training, but about 18 of them (5 male and 13 female) participated in this training.


The pilot training programme was implemented between 16th – 18th of May in 2007 with the piloting of assessment tools from November 2007 till May 2008. The timetable for the training and piloting was as follows:

Training seminar  - 16th – 18th of May in 2007
Presentation of assessment tool – 13th of June in 2007
Individual consultations – 12th, 24th, 25th of October in 2007
Closing seminar   – 22nd of May in 2008

At the beginning of the seminar, the lecturers, subject matter, programme and schedule as well as objectives of the seminar were introduced to the participants. After that  the teachers’ needs of evaluation and assessment skills were identified by giving them a questionnaire. The participants were also presented what competences would be achieved after the seminar. At the end of the seminar a questionnaire was given to teachers with which they would evaluate their assessment skills. The first session, as well as all further ones, were followed by the participants’ feedback on how much they understood and how they felt during the session. Active learning methods were used: various practical tasks, pair work, group work, individual work, relaxation techniques. The participants were willing to express their views, share their experience.


Participants left the seminar with a clear vision of what they are supposed to do in their individual tasks. By 13th of June the main task for teachers was to create the innovative assessment tools. There was another meeting on 13th of  June, and the participants presented the assessment tools (tests, questionnaires, portfolios, observation - whatever they decided to use in their practical work) and shared their experience, defined difficulties in creating the tools. The seminar lecturers consulted them. Also on 12th, 24th and 25th of October individual consultations were arranged for teachers,who were trying to prepare the tool of assessment and to test it on their students. After the assessment the students’ feedback was collected. So the main outcomes in terms of assessment skills are the new assessment tools and these learning outcomes:

  1. Ability to define the strategy of assessment considering students needs of learning, objectives of learning discipline/module, content and learning methods
  2. Ability to identify purposes and criterias of assessment finding students’ level of achievements, depending on predictable learning results of discipline/module
  3. Ability to choose the methods of assessment, which enable gathering of objective information about students.
  4. Ability to prepare and use different tools of assessment in relation to purposes of studies, content, learning methods
  5. Ability to give and receive feedback about students’ achievements and difficulties in learning.
  6. Ability to reflect and adequately assess ones’s activity in process of assessment.

The greatest benefit of the Lithuanian training programme produced these activities:

  1. Active learning methods
  2. Preparation and implementation the innovative assessment tools in teachers’ practical work

Links to further teaching and learning materials
Recognition and accreditation of experiential learning – a way for better accessibility of adult education (223855-CP-1-2005-1-LT-GRUNDTVIG-G1)